Cash Flow Modelling

Estimating What Good Looks Like

Cash flow modelling is at the heart of our financial planning process for clients. It allows us to forecast their current and future financial position and helps to answer many of the most important financial dilemmas they have, such as: 


  • What age can I afford to retire? 
  • Is my pension going to be enough to fund my retirement? 
  • How many holidays can I take each year when I retire? 
  • Can I afford it if my investments do not perform as well as expected? 
  • Am I likely to downsize and if so how much will this raise? 
  • Shall I plan my strategy around spending more between retirement and say, aged 80, when I will be more physically able? 


Our cash flow modelling software allows us to forecast our client’s current and projected financial situation, including their income and expenditure, assets and liabilities in order to provide a realistic long term financial outlook.


Whilst financial planning, based on current and expected circumstances is important, often we forget to think about the impact of certain unforeseen events. Cash flow modelling allows us to clearly demonstrate this, with “what if” scenarios. By using cash flow modelling we enable our clients to assess the impact of unexpected changes, and therefore stay in control of their financial future.


Please contact for more information, help and guidance on our Cashflow Modelling Service.